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I like space. Photo by Graham Holtshausen

Welcome to What Ought To Be, a blog about technology, public policy, philosophy, and whatever else is on my mind. I am, a current Aerospace Engineer living in Southern California, and I fundamentally believe that we should always strive to leave the world in a better place than we found it. Often, that can mean progress in the typical sense. Other times, we need to recognize when our progress has led us towards undesirable outcomes. In the words of the great political philosopher Tyrion Lannister, “It’s easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.”

I will write some articles with well-sourced data and statistics, but some may just be musings on random subjects, interspersed with failed attempts at humor. Above all, I enjoy challenging myself and others with radical opinions. I would like to get better at expressing these views in ways that are palatable to those with opposing thoughts, because I think this is one of the most difficult problems faced in the age of social media.

I hope you find something here that interests you and I look forward to connecting with you, since I have more to learn from you than you do from me. You can reach out in the comment sections right here on the blog, through the site’s contact form, or on my Twitter: @jacob_sherlock.